Friday, February 3, 2012


More Proof The Traditional Text (Textus Receptus) Is of Apostolic Origin
Compiled by Dr. David L. Brown

Higher Criticism of the Bible is a frontal assault upon God’s Words! Ever since this diabolical theory of dealing with God’s Word(s) was introduced in Germany in the 18th century, the Traditional Text of the Bible, which underlies our King James Bible, has been under attack.

Higher criticism treats the Bible as a text created by men. Their presupposition is that the Bible is a conglomeration of works by unknown authors and editors which was assembled and modified at the authors desired. They assert that the Bible has not been carefully preserved and therefore the Bible cannot be entirely authoritative. In particular they reject the texts that underlie the King James Version of the Bible, claiming that those texts are of a much later date, an editorial “recension” or revision of the earlier true text. They promoted that lie that there were NO early manuscripts from the Traditional Text. The so called Alexandrian and Western texts were older and better.

Here is the problem. Professor Merrill M. Parvis of Harvard wrote. “The Textus Receptus (also known as the Traditional Text and Ecclesiastical Text) is not the ‘true’ text of the New Testament…” He went on to admit however, “The Textus Receptus is the text of the Church. It is that form of the text which represents the sum total and the end product of all the textual decisions which were made by the Church and her Fathers over a period of more than a thousand years.”

I submit to you that the Textus Recptus always has been the New Testament used by the Chruch!  My contention is clearly supported by biblical evidence recently examined by Dr. Carsten Peter Thiede, Director of the Institute for Basic Epistemological Research in Paderborn, Germany. I should note, that Dr. Thiede is not TR supporter!

Dr. Thiede examined three New Testament fragments that were originally acquired in Luxor, Egypt in 1901. In 1953 they were dated to about 180-200 A.D. However, Dr. Thiede carefully redated them and placed the at 66 A.D., making them the ONLY first century New Testament fragments extant.

However, this was only the beginning. Using a very technical and accurate epiflourescent confocal laser scanning microscope, he found that the Matthew 26:22 fragment revealed the Textus Recutus reading! It head “hekasotos auton,” every one of them, as the King James reads as opposed to “heis hakastos,” each one [one after another], as the critical texts read.

This fragment clearly documents the antiquity of the Textus Receptus text to the time of Peter, Paul, John the Apostle, etc. Increasingly, the recension theory is being exposed for the lie that it is!